How to harness Mindset Energy to unlock your potential and manifest your desires
By Laura Kyttanen
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Saturday I participated in my first Satsang. The word Satsang is made up of 'Sat', meaning truth, and 'Sang', which means together. When combined it means 'a gathering together to seek the truth.'
Satsang can apparently take on many forms. The one I attended was one where we were sitting in the presence (in spirit form) of a spiritual master, Guruji, and during a two-hour meditation we are able to receive his blessings.
One of the most important lessons in the Satsang is, "Maango Nahee Maano” which translated means 'Don't Ask, believe."
Personally, I might rephrase this saying a tiny bit to "Don't keep asking. Just believe."
Either way, it isn't asking that is keeping us from what we desire. We all have plenty we are desiring throughout the day. The real challenge lies in believing and holding onto that belief despite not having the proof yet or despite what is going on around us. This need for the experience or external validation creates a condition - such as, “For me to feel good, I must see it and receive positive feedback on it first.”
Yet our true power to manifest what we desire rests in expanding and aligning our beliefs and feelings, or what we call Mindset Energy, without any conditions attached to it. It is the idea that “If I ask, I believe it will come. I just need to be open to it and ready to receive the inspiration for the actions to take along the journey.”
I am sure you have heard the saying "What you focus on expands." This means that when your mindset (beliefs) matches the energy (feelings) of that which you desire, you attract more of what you want. Of course, this works the other way around too, focusing your Mindset Energy on what you don't want attracts more of what you don't want. This can be visualized by imagining a pebble thrown into the water and it producing a ripple effect all around it. The ripple can have both a positive and less positive impact on your business, life and even the world.
In theory - this sounds simple and easy, yet the reality is that it's not! Or we would all have abundance, love ourselves and each other unconditionally, have fantastic careers and live in our dream homes.
So what is the challenge? Most get too caught up in wanting control of the timing and / or too focused on the external validation to prove our dreams are relevant and worthy.
In fact, our Mindset Energy assessment results (with more than 200 responses) demonstrate this
72% of respondents agree "having control is important to them,"
63% agree "getting credit is important to them."
What is ironic is that in this process, we are actually handing our power over to things outside of ourselves - which puts us in a disempowered state and leads to more contracted Mindset Energy - creating the resistance to getting what we actually desire.
Looking at this closer, let's say you want more money, a greater work/life balance, better communication in your relationships at home or at work, a better boss, etc.
It is an automatic response to start focusing on
(1) what is standing in the way (time constraints, too many bills to pay, the things your boss or partner does that triggers or upsets you, etc.);
(2) all the actions we feel we should take based on outdated beliefs or what we see or hear around us (a better paying job, more time at the gym, relationship management training, etc.).
With this type of Mindset Energy you will likely have stress, anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, burnout, sadness, etc. Why? We don't feel good when we feel limitations and when we do things that have "should" attached to it.
Thus, the bigger bank account, new job, better relationships... are not the goals. The real goal (we like to refer to it as intention) is to feel happy, excited, in love with and even in satisfaction with where you are right now while holding onto the belief that what you are meant to create will come while taking more conscious action which feels less resistant. This is where we can have massive positive impact.
Need further proof? (wink, wink)
Let's look at the story of the Wright brothers and their lead contender Samuel Langley and compare their Mindset Energy.
Langley was well known and well respected. Not only were his efforts funded by the war department, he hired the best engineers, mechanics and mathematics to work with him. He even hired the New York Times to follow him around everywhere. You could, therefore, logically conclude that he had everything going for him to succeed. Except - he was often envious of others and his main motivation and drive to win was to be rich and famous.
The Wright brothers, on the other hand, owned a bicycle shop. They didn't have funding or the resources to hire the "best" talent. They only had a vision which they believed would have a profound and positive impact on the world. It's what kept them going despite the ridicule they often received and many many failures. Their belief in their cause and themselves is what eventually led to their success.
Notice how both Langley and the Wright brothers took action - the difference is in how they approached the action and that lies in their Mindset Energy.
So my questions to you are:
Where is your Mindset Energy today when it comes to your vision, strategy, goals or intentions in your business and life?
For any areas you have more contracted Mindset Energy, what could you dare to dream and believe which aligns your feeling to your true desires?
What are you willing to sacrifice in order to sustain this Mindset Energy?
How can you find courage to act with intention in order to stay in the flow of least resistance?
Your ability to create whatever you want is in your control - it rests in your Mindset Energy.
As one of my clients recently said when I asked his greatest new perspective from our coaching session, "When you care more about how you feel on the inside, you will change what you see and experience on the outside." I couldn't agree more.
For even more inspiration on how to put this into practice today, watch the video or read below about Masaru Emoto and "The Hidden Messages of Water."
Perhaps you have read the book "Hidden Messages of Water" by Masaru Emoto? Emoto was interested in further understanding the mind-body-spirit connection. Knowing that 70% of the human body is made up of water, he was convinced that people were being impacted by the vibration of their thoughts and words. So he decided to do an experiment of freezing water and researching how it was affected by different events. During the experiment he would show letters, pictures, play music and even pray to the water. After 2 months of trial and error, the method bore results that positive words, good music and prayer, produced beautiful crystals. In turn, negative words and discordant music produced opposite results of disfigured crystals.
If you were water, what shape would you be taking on right now based on your thoughts and feelings associated with this?
Could you now possibly see how powerful it might be to choose more conscious and expansive Mindset Energy?
Why not start paying attention to your Mindset Energy today and seeing what small shifts you can make and how this impacts your business or life?